Spitfire Bodywork Progress Report

So far, Andy Dann has spent about 200 hours sorting out the Spitfire’s bodywork.

The new floor-pan and sills have been welded in place on the near-side and the rotten bonnet sections have been replaced.


The only welding still to do is the rear passenger-side wing, then Andy will prep the bodywork ready for painting. He still expects to have it finished by the end of May.

With the May bank holiday coming up. I need to complete the engine service and finish cleaning up and painting the large box of parts stored in the shed.


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We left Taupo early and took the road to Rotarua. This trip took about an hour and a half, so we arrived around 10am. We found a cafe down by the lake and had a coffe while we decided how to spend the day. We were only staying one night... Continue →