
Monday and we awoke to another morning of heavy rain. We decided to take a trip out to Arrowtown.


Arrowtown is a charming old gold rush town in the hills about 15km from Queenstown.

We parked the car and took refuge from the rain in a very French coffee shop called Bonjour and enjoyed a coffee with apricot tart

As the rain eased off, we took a log walk along the banks of the Arrow river.

We returned in time for lunch, then explored the shops (picking up a rather nice print for the kitchen), before booking a table for dinned at the Postmaster’s house restaurant, which took our eye…


In the event, we both ordered the lamb - which was excellent!



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Christchurch - a sobering experience

Christchurch, with a population of 325,000 is New Zealand’s second city and we will be spending 6 nights here. We are staying at a pleasant motel facing Hagley park, close to the centre of the city. On Monday and Tuesday, I had business... Continue →